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The first sacrament that Christians receive is Baptism, the sacrament that frees one from original sin, bestows God’s grace, and welcomes one into the family of God, the Church. The sacrament involves the pouring of water to symbolize both the washing away of sin and also the living water of God’s grace which Christ gives to those who follow Him.

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated as needed on a Sunday within or outside of Mass, usually within a few weeks after the birth of a child. To assure that parents have a full understanding of what it means to have their child baptized into the Catholic faith, they will be expected to attend one baptismal preparation session. Parents are asked to call the parish office when they wish to plan a baptism.


Because marriage is both a vocation (a calling from God) and a sacrament, special gifts and graces are given to the couple entering Matrimony. Participants enter into the sacrament of Matrimony with the intention that their union will be permanent, faithful, and fruitful.

Arrangements for weddings must be made by the parties with the pastor at least six months in advance of the proposed marriage and prior to setting a firm date. This will allow sufficient time for the couple to complete the required meetings and pre-marriage program and to prepare for a proper celebration of the Sacrament.


Annointing the Sick
This sacrament is not just for those in danger of death, but for anyone who suffers from serious or chronic physical illness or who struggles with the infirmities of old age. Those scheduled for major surgery or a hospital stay may request this sacrament prior to entering the hospital. Please call the pastor to arrange a time.


Holy Eucharist
Christ promised His followers that He would feed them here on earth with the Bread of Life and welcome them to the Banquet of Heaven. He fulfills His promise through the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist by giving His own Body and Blood as spiritual food and drink.

The Holy Eucharist is the most eminent sacrament, in which Christ Himself is contained, offered, and received. As children reach the 2nd grade or above, they are eligible to make their First Holy Communion after a suitable period of preparation in the regular CCD program.


The Sacrament of Confirmation strengthens the grace of our Baptism and confers the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The bishop anoints the head of those confirmed with the fragrant oil of chrism, the feel and smell of which reminds the newly confirmed of the blessings and sacred gifts the Holy Spirit bestows.

According to Diocesan policy, those who are at least 16 years of age and a sophomore in high school are eligible for Confirmation. The formation process includes being faithful to CCD classes in grade school and through senior year in high school. There may be other instruction, spiritual formation, service projects, and a retreat required as part of the preparation, as well as, individual interviews with the pastor.


Holy Orders
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is conferred on men who have completed their seminary training, making them priests to serve the spiritual needs of others and giving them the special graces to fulfill their demanding vocation. Only priests who have received the sacrament can celebrate the Holy Mass and change bread and wine into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus (a miracle called transubstantiation), hear Confessions, and give the Anointing of the Sick.


Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation (Confession) is a sacrament of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Catholics believe that sin wounds the soul the same way an infection wounds the body, and only God’s grace can heal a wounded soul. Those who receive this sacrament receive the gifts of forgiveness and divine peace.

The opportunity for Confessions is offered every Thursday from 6:00 - 6:50 p.m. or by appointment. There are also Parish Penance Services during Advent and Lent. 


How to go to confession


© 2017 by St Joseph Catholic Church.

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